It’s essential to collaborate with cross-functional teams so that the UX can reflect different perspectives from folks of various disciplines. Effective collaboration also increases transparency and collaboration from the Product & Design team with the rest of the company. I teamed up with the Product Manager to organize a cross functional remote brainstorm – in the middle of a pandemic – using the Miro app.
The brainstorm for the Vettery 'Top Picks' project included members from sales, business operations, marketing, design, recruiters, candidate experience specialist.
We’ve seen a decline in the IVR acceptance rate since September of 2019. Previously, the IVR acceptance rate hovered around ~50%. Recently it’s been hovering closer to ~40%. The gist: Marketplace liquidity has taken a hit in recent months. In Q1, the search status of 'No Longer Looking' accounted for 27.79% of all declines. The gist: Low intent job seekers are reducing marketplace liquidity.
The primary goal of this project was to introduce a mechanism that we can use to address low liquidity that results from having low-intent job-seekers on the marketplace. Such a mechanism will ensure that each IVR sent by an employer has the highest probability of resulting in a placement.
We gave a quick walkthrough of how to use Miro and fun exercise to get the group warmed up. Each participant had to select a post-it and give it a color that resembles their favorite ice-cream.
Reviewed some key user behaviors for recruiters and hiring manager users
We gave the group a prompt and 10 min for the ‘Turbo drive brainstorm’ to generate as many ideas they have individually on ‘post-it notes’
“How might we show candidates’ qualifications to recruiters in a way that demonstrates why they are both relevant and desirable?”
Now that we’ve got some great individual ideas, the next step is to consolidate any duplicate ideas. We split everyone into breakout groups of 2-3 individuals, and gave them 20 minutes to discuss their ideas, combine duplicates, and potentially create new ones they’ve come up with.
DAY 1 – Post Brainstorm
After reflecting on the ideas and input from the team, the PM and I started to cluster the ideas and identify some themes to present back to the team on Day 2.
To loosen up the creative juices for the team, we created a fun exercise in Miro. This time we asked them to add a shape, update the color, play with the font, and then create a flow of what they learned recently and how they plan to use this new skill (could be anything!).
Now that we've reviewed the top ideas and clusters, it's time to deep dive!
Each breakout group will spend 45 minutes discussing the prompt, individually brainstorm and create what they view as 1 or multiple ideal user experiences.
The goal for this exercise is to have a mini-hackathon project that is well thought out and could be presented back to the group
“How might we enable recruiters to evaluate a candidate's profile on Vettery within 10 seconds?
How might we tell each candidate's unique story on Vettery in a way that is relevant to recruiters?
Generated some great ideas that greatly contribute to the next generation of Vettery
We got Vettery employees to work together who might not have worked together otherwise.
I combined the ideas generated from the brainstorm and presented them to engineering making sure they’re aware of the feature being proposed and to catch anything where our tech might not be able to adequately support.